tradesperson painting and decorating careers

Why You Should Learn a Trade

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In the 90s Wall Street was the big thing. Everyone wanted a white-collar job. And in those days, it wasn’t so hard to get one.

Instead of limiting your options to an office job, you could try to learn a trade skill. Don’t shudder at the thought. Forget the stereotypes, there are more benefits to learning a trade than you may think.

What are the advantages of trade work? Read on to find out 8 reasons why working in the trades is a great option for you.

1. You Can Fill a Need

If you decide to learn a trade skill, you will be filling a growing need. Not only now, but in the many years to come. Some good trades to learn include:

  • Electricians
  • Plumbers and Pipefitters
  • Construction Equipment Operators
  • Window Cleaners
  • Welders
  • Carpenters
  • Gardeners
  • Painters
  • Plasterers

But it’s not all about maintenance and building work. Trade work also includes those in the service industry:

  • Dental Assistant
  • Medical Assistant
  • Chefs
  • Bakers
  • Nursery Nurses and Nannies
  • Legal and Medical Secretaries
  • Hairdressers
  • Beauticians

And this is just scratching the surface. Imagine what you would do if these services were not available? There would be no freshly baked sausage rolls up the road, and nobody would be able to fix their blocked toilet!

2. Robots Won’t Take Over

Job security is a huge factor when it comes to picking your future line of work. Of course, no line of work is 100% secure. But some jobs are more secure than others.

Robotronics and electrical inventions are on the rise. But they are more likely to take over information and tech jobs. Realistically, the danger is more likely outsourcing companies or companies going bankrupt.

The best thing about trade work is it cannot be outsourced. The world won’t always need YouTube Vloggers, but they will always need plumbers, bricklayers, and chefs.

3.Trade Work in Demand

2017 saw a massive rise in earnings. For instance, Electricians were earning £156,000 a year due to a shortage of skilled workers. That’s more than the Prime minister earned!

Plumbers, bricklayers, and fire safety officers also saw a rise in their salaries. But why the pay rise? It’s because there is a growing demand.

Many older generations are starting to retire. On the opposite end of the scale, young ones are opting for white-collar jobs. This means there is a huge need for trade workers all over the UK.

In the future, if you decide to up and move, you have peace of mind knowing you’ll be able to continue your trade wherever you go. Even if you go abroad.

4. You Can Save Your Pennies

One of the biggest benefits of working in the trades is the amount of money you’ll save from not going to uni. These days graduates are facing a lifetime debt. In fact, the rising number is now at £50,000.

If you choose trade work you won’t be starting your adult life with a huge debt on your shoulders. And if you go straight into trade work after school you will most likely get the training for free. Even if you decide on learning a trade later on in life, the fees pale in comparison.

If it’s an apprenticeship you’ll actually get paid for learning, too. It can’t get any better than that!

5.The Earnings May Surprise You

Many who choose to go to university wave off the hefty price tag because they think their lifetimes’ earnings will make it worth the while.

Of course, that’s true in some cases. But these wealthy individuals make up a tiny percent of the workforce in the UK.

But research has taken place. And it’s clear, going to university is not going to make you earn more.

6. You Can Save Your Precious Time

It’s not only pennies you’ll be saving. By skipping uni you’ll save a lot of time. After 2-3 years in college or sixth form, students will then have to complete another 3-4 years at university. Some degrees take up to 5 years or more to complete.

By the time you’re finished, you’ll be old and grey!

Deciding to work in the trades and doing a college course takes 2 years on average. By the time you’re 20, you’ll be out there making money.

7. You Won’t have to Leave Your Mum (Just Yet!)

By the tender age of 19, you may not be ready to pack your bags and leave home. The transition to uni can be a traumatic one for some youths. Some may even drop out early on due to homesickness – but that is an expensive mistake to make!

Deciding to learn a trade skill and stick close to home may be the better choice. But learning a skilled trade doesn’t mean you’ve picked the cushy option. You’ll have to start working and earning your keep earlier than a uni graduate.

8. Happy Workers

According to a global study, between 28% and 56% of employees wanted to quit their job. Do you want to spend the rest of your life bored and dissatisfied?

Choosing the right career path is important. And for many people, there is no better work than using your hands to create something. Fixing something, or inventing something can be a lot more fulfilling than filling in Excel spreadsheets all day.

Most of the people in these white-collar jobs take up a hobby. For instance, tinkering with cars or doing some kind of woodwork. They do this because working with their hands brings them the satisfaction their job cannot.

Learning a Trade

Although several careers counsellors may encourage you to go to university, there are many good trades to learn. And there are a huge amount of benefits in learning a trade. In fact, without tradesmen and women, Britain wouldn’t function!

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